Creamy Spinach and Broccoli Pasta (HC)


  • 60g (1 cup) (2 0z) pasta wholewheat  

  • 1 tsp of olive oil  

  • ½ pepper (any colour) (bell pepper)  

  • ½ onion  

  • 110g (1 1/2 cups) (3 ½ 0z) broccoli  

  • 80g (½ cup) (2 ¾ oz) peas  

  • 4 mushrooms  

  • ½ tsp of oregano  

  • ½ tsp of basil  

  • Black pepper for seasoning  

  • 125g (¾ cup) (4 ½ oz) tinned tomatoes  

  • 1 bowl of spinach  

  • 2/3 tbsp ((1.5-2.25 Aus tbsp - 30-  45ml)) of cream, full fat  

  • 30g (¼ cup, grated)(1 oz) cheddar  cheese, grated 


  1. Boil pasta as per instructions on the  packet. In a frying pan add a little olive  oil, peppers (bell peppers), onions,  broccoli, peas and mushrooms. 

  2. Allow to sauté for a 5 minutes. 

  3. Then add in oregano, basil, black pepper  and tinned tomatoes and allow to simmer. 

  4. When almost ready add the spinach,  cream and cheese to the pasta sauce,  mix and allow spinach to wilt. 

  5. Then serve over pasta.

Top Tip

Feel free to add a portion of protein (i.e. grilled chicken) to this recipe if desired.




Serves: 1


High Carb


Fish Curry (HC)


Shakshuka (LC)