Episode 1 - 3 Strategies For Improving Your Relationship With Food
In this episode of The We Are Wellbeing Podcast, we dive into -
The 3 Strategies For Improving Your Relationship With Food:
Labelling Food: Discusses the negative impact of labelling food as "good" or "bad" and how it leads to guilt-driven overeating.
80/20 Approach: Explains the concept of the 80/20 approach, where 80% of the time is dedicated to nutritious foods and 20% allows for flexibility and indulgence.
Wants vs. Needs: Highlights the importance of distinguishing between wants and needs when making food choices, emphasising nourishing oneself as an act of self-respect.
Tune in to learn more about building a positive relationship with food and achieving food freedom.
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About Anna
After a personal transformation that involved vowing to never diet again, I sought out to learn more about food and the impact it has on us. Fast forward 6 years, and my programs have transformed the lives of over 7000 women around the world.
I am disrupting the dieting industry, and am passionate about getting women away from low calorie, restricted diets.
My husband John and I have a young son called Leo and you will often find us galavanting around the world.